NEN-3225 digitization work

A typeface digitisation and digital font production work, based on one style of the NEN3225: Netherlands Letter and Number Model. Originally published in 1963 by the Dutch Standards Institution [NEN] as a collection of models for lettering in and on buildings, public signs, tombstones, etc., the typeface itself was designed by Dutch typographer and graphic designer Jan van Krimpen (1892-1958).


This digtisation is connected to a graphic identity designed by David Bennewith and Sandra Kassenaar, for the exhibition ‘hET oNTWERP vAN hET sOCIALE, 100 jaar eigenzinning samenleven in nederland’ at Het Nieuwe Instituut. In the late spring of 2021, Dong Bin Han was commissioned to begin this type digitisation, and will manage future revisions from this time on.